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1/10 was his special day. ex student of jurongville secondary. korea stars rocks my heart. 21PHT is a family of mine.brothers and sisters are loved!
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010


just playing my ps2 yu gi oh.finsih buliding my deck blahblah.
cork,oh well.i have learn this,though the show i watched recently.
"losing is not a bad thing,its gives the reason for us to countiue on,trying harder is the reason."
i think this thing makes sense.the words is on my mind."dont give up,do your best until it is over.i still have a chance to counter back".i have do my best until the very end.
since i always think of that,when playing yu gi oh games,i just won and won.
its applied to everything as well.
playing that games have teach me well learn how to perserve.everything have a weakness as is possible to do the impossible.
yu gi oh games was kinda fun after learning all those thing.its taught me balance as well.a idea when i building my deck,in order to build a powerful deck,we dont just put monster card,but spell and trap card.they must be balance.if not,the deck will be all mess up when dueling.
teamwork appiled as well,have to trust teammates as well.if not,it will have a totally messy up games.
i learned alot things though a can applied on my life now.not only can applied in games.

first though that was a stupid game,but it teaches me alot too.thanks anyway,i now know what to do^^thanks to a stupid game.i have an idea.:D

even since i been watching wonder girls concert,their songs is on my mind.i cant take it off man.this is called "wonder virus".crap!
soheesohee^^ i wish i met her one day.
but most importantly is getting the "SHE" in my life.was waiting the moment..........i can only wait and wait.for the time now,i just have to think of sohee^^ but,for the time.its usless.laughs.
she on my mind and nothing can get it out.i need a plan.
just keep thinking sohee sohee soheee sohee soheee jiu ok le.tomorrow watching their concert on com:( nightnight everyone.