morning went to meet weiqi,alios and co.walked around fairprice xtra.
then wait gabriel and yinsin.then walked to mac eat our breakfast.
waited for fanyu to come.cant choose to follow who.
so bo bian,follow alios and co.
they jio me pon one ma.bused to 175.then bused to HKE.
bused again to queenway.slacked.
me and rabbit
fanyu go disiao people,say what want buy girl clothes.ask that sale woman how much.he ask for his size.then the woman funny,go take a sexier clothes for him.she ask him that clothes sexy enough ma:D LAUGH!then he faster walk out.
eaten a kena shit laksa.alot of unmelted coconut:(
walked around and around.bused back to 175 for some reason again.
winni the pooh secret^^
walked to jurongpoint,find yishu,brendon,yanda,wei tik and co.
chatted and slacked awhile,bused home.
HEY!!!!CLASSMATE!VIEW MY BLOG TAG ME LA!!!kp all run without tag.